Why do we love Golden Retrievers so much if it is not for their smiling sparkling eyes? Those eyes keep making us comfortable, so comfortable that we give them treats freely. However, giving too much treat to a doggie is not recommended by veterinarians. Giving them the best dry dog food for golden retriever sounds like a more healthy option.
What do the guys want?
I have seen all types of Goldens. Some can be free-fed and never put on extra weight, while others seem to live right near the bowl and gobble down to the last kibble. In either case, you should only should him the best food with appropriate calories content, as well as micro nutriments, of which the essential are fat, carbohydrate and proteins. As healthy as it may sound, never feed a golden retriever with milk for the drinks upset their stomach.
You can feed Goldens either homemade meals or commercial kibbles. However, it is a hassle to calculate the nutrients he needs in a day to put in a cooked meal, while kibbles can do that easily, and clean their teeth on the way.best dog food for labradors
Also , suddenly switching food brands can cause them upset stomachs and diarrhea. If you have found the best dry dog food for golden retriever, better stick to it. To give the mutt an ideal meal, you should first understand the Goldie unique nutritional requirements. As intelligent as they are, Golden Retrievers often suffer from allergies. This sometimes happens because their food contains too much protein. Premium dog food products have carbs, proteins, vitamins and mineral in correct proportions that is printed in the product label.
You should also check that the protein sources come from chicken, lamb or beef. On the other hand, the product should not be high in fats or carbs, while it must contain essential fatty acids, vitamins and certain minerals.