Haikyuu Manga is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Haruichi Furudate. Individual chapters are serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since February 2012, with bound volumes published by Shueisha. The series was initially published as a one-shot in Shueisha’s seasonal Leap NEXT! magazine before serialization. As of July 2016, twenty-two volumes have been released in Japan.The manga has been licensed in North America by Viz Media.
Junior high school pupil Shōyō Hinata acquires a sudden love of volleyball after seeing a national tournament match on TV. Although short in height, he becomes determined to follow in the footsteps of the championship‘s star player, nicknamed the “Little Giant”, after seeing his plays. He creates a
volleyball club and begins practising by himself. Eventually 3 other members join the team by his past year of middle school, driving Hinata to get his two buddies who are in different clubs to join just for the tournament. Nevertheless, they are conquered in their first tournament game after being challenged by the championship favourite team, including the so called “King of the Court” Tobio Kageyama, in the first round. Though Hinata’s team endures a miserable defeat, he vows to finally surpass Kageyama and get the better of him. Fast-forward to highschool, Hinata enters Karasuno Highschool with the hopes of joining their volleyball club. Sadly for him, the very man he vowed to surpass appears before him as among his new teammates.